
‘東美濃の空と土から’ プロジェクトでは、空と土からの恵みを受け、暮らしの中で受け継がれた一体的な文化を体感することのできる経験を提案していきます。

暦と旬 自然の周期とともに息づく東美濃の人々の暮らしの中で


Planting rice.

Planting rice is the essential elements to associate rural lifestyles and seasonality.

Tasty rice produce local cusine such as ‘Goheimochi’ – grilled rice cake. Fitted rice variety are produced to Sake, is offered to local gods with enjoying local community.


Picking Japanese plum.

Ume – Japanese apricot is the seasonal features of early summer season.

Peapole in rural areas crops Umes to produce ‘Ume-boshi’, Ume pickleses with dring infront of their houses.

People also making homemade ‘Ume-shu’ – Ume riqueur that putting Ume into the local HIGASHI-MINO Sake for adults.


Croping chestnuts.

Chestnuts and its confectinery & cuisines is speciality of Higashimino. region given mountainous environment.

Visiting farmer to know about chestnuts planting with exparience of cropping, then, enjoying to make traditional local confectionery such as ‘Kurikinton’ – mushed chestnuts ball.


Cropping tea.

To know the way of enjoying tea influenced features of Higashimion region and the tea history with experiencing cropping and producing teas, and experiencing tea paring with food and trays in the traditional rural house.


Airing persimmons.

Persimmons is seasonal fruits of the autumn season.

Features of Ena basin is the essentially gives gap of temperatures inbetween day and night, gives the natural conditions to make sweet natural dried persimmons calls ‘Hoshigaki’.


Making Yubeshi (Dried Yuzu snack).

Higashimino has a area to produce organic Yuzu, and people makes local dried Yuzu snack calls ‘Yubeshi’ using Yuzu, Miso, and nuts such as walnut.

We recommend to enjoy to produce Yubeshi with local people will be nice cuisine pairing with Sake as well.


Gathering thatches.

Mountainous rural lifestyle of Higashimino are used natural resources that is connecting with nature and people as well as buildings and fields.

We can feel lifesties of people habitation in rural areas generation by generation with experiencing to gather thatches for build traditional thache-roof houses.


Brewing Sake.

‘Jizake’ – Sake of the terroir, are connecting everything, are crean water,rices, climates, and the nature of soils.

People brewing Sake to offer to local gods with gratituting natural graces,and drinking Sake with the context of community with its religeous.

Brewing Sake is also special experience to know how valuable Sake made with artisan’s spritits, unity, and techniques.


Craft your pottery.

Graces of soil is the essential resources for this region as the biggest pottery’s region in Japan.

Bigginng of ceramic production in this region is, at least, from 8th century as the part of Sanage-yo, then grew to the age of ‘Mino Momoyama-to’ – great age of invent Japanese ceramics using tea ceremony.

Experiences to crafts your pottery is embodied the history of Pottery in Japan with your life story.

一見非効率に見える棚田での米作り。限られた日本の土地をつかい、自然のメカニズムから食を生み出した。そこには、今日の資本主義の物差しとは違う、かけがえのない価値がある のではないか。Farming in rice terraces is looks unefficiency superficially. People cultivate limited land with using natural and topographical mechanisms. There are eternal and essential values within different paradism of the capitalism.
伝統的な風情の中で楽しむ「茶懐石」も、若き職人の手により継承されていく。’Chakaiseki’- type of tea ceremony with cuisine and Sake is succeeded with young chiefs inside traditional atomospher.
柿を干す行為は、きっとずいぶん昔から行われていたことだろう。かつては味噌も 味噌玉を干して造っていた。柚餅子、そして梅干し。これらの保存食は、自然の気温、天日、そして風の恩恵によりつくられる。Way of airing perssions expected to inherit from long time ago. Many of traditional nonperishables such as Yubeshi and Umeboshi are produced features of the climate, the sunshine, and the wind, as well as historical Miso produced dried soy bean paste.
栗は東美濃地域の特産である。早いものは8月下旬から 収穫をはじめ、家庭でも栗きんとんをはじめ、お菓子や美味しいご飯へと姿を変える。Chestnuts is speciality of Higashimino region that is cropped from the bottom of August. Many of families will cook home-made confectioneries and cuisines such as Kurikinton.
美しい東美濃の山並みは、美しく青い川の水をもたらす。花崗岩によって磨かれた輝く豊富な水 は、山の地形によって局地的によりもたらされたものでもあり、それが美味しい酒の源となる。岩盤は、長い歳月によって堆積し、陶土へも姿を変えた。Beautiful mountains in Higashimino region brings beautiful blue waterflows with blushed up by granite bedrocks. Rich and clean water, brought from microclimate effected by mountains features, is the source of quality local Sakes. Grounds broughts pottery’s clays by long time accumulation.
蔵人たちの息のあった作業は、 寒い冬の季節に寝食をともにし、良い酒を造るという共通の使命によってもたらされる。蔵人との時間は、日本の職人気質を知る上で貴重な経験となり、一層お酒の味を深く味わうこと ができる。Works of Kurabito (artisans in Sake brewery) with unity are associated by craftsmanship with commitment of high quality production, and shairing whole time in the cold winter season. Experiences to share times with Kurabito is the great oppotunity to know about Japanese craftsmanship.
様々な作家や工房で自分自身の作陶ができる。作陶にあたっては、美濃焼の 歴史をし知ることからはじめたい。Some oppotunities to crafts your own potteries. Recommending to learn about history of Mino-yaki, creamics of this region.